外壳防护等级 | IP65/IP67 | 品牌 | SSMTECH/盛仕铭科技 |
型号 | SSM-P202V | 加工定制 | 是 |
测量范围 | 0~5kpa~700bar | 电源电压 | 24V |
精度等级 | ±0.25%FS、±0.5%FS(可选/Optional ) | 防护等级 | IP65/IP67 |
产地 | 江苏 | 数量 | 1 |
厂家 | 扬州传感器厂家 |
SSM-P202V | |||||||
经济型压力变送器/Standard pressure transmitter | |||||||
■ 压力量程/Range: 0~5kpa~700bar ■ 高性能扩散硅芯体/High performance diffused silicon core ■ 精巧外型/Exquisite、appearance ■ 长期稳定性好/Superior long term stability ■ 提供OEM定制/OEM customization
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SSM-P202V经济型压力变送器是我司针对OEM客户和设备配套开发的一款经济型压力变送器,采用一体式带不锈钢隔离膜的传感器及信号转换器作为核心部件,具有体积小、重量轻、稳定性高、兼容各种气液材质等特点,适用于各种动、静态气体、液体介质的压力测量。 | |||||||
SSM-P202V economic pressure transmitter is an economic pressure transmitter developed by our company for OEM customers and equipment. It adopts integrated sensor and signal converter with stainless steel isolation membrane as the core components. It has the characteristics of small volume, light weight, high stability and compatibility with various gas-liquid materials. It is suitable for pressure measurement of various dynamic and static gas and liquid media.