品牌 | 康明斯/Cummins | 型号 | PLT-200kW |
发动机型号 | 200kW | 气源 | 沼气 |
启动方式 | 自启动 | 加工定制 | 是 |
额定功率 | 200KWW | 额定电流 | 360A |
转速 | 1500r/min | 燃气耗量 | 0.3m3/h |
绝缘等级 | H | 防护等级 | IP23 |
产品认证 | IOS9001 | 相数 | 三相 |
重量 | 0.6t | 产地 | 山东潍坊 |
厂家 | 山东 |
200kW300kW500kW沼气发电机组 开架式 配套潍柴/康明斯发动机 厂家
200kW300kW500kW沼气发电机组 开架式 配套潍柴/康明斯发动机 厂家
燃料类型Fuel type
| 沼气Biogas
| |
| |
机组类型 Generator Set type
| 普通型 Normal type
| 集装箱型Containerized type
发动机型号Engine model
| Z12V190ZLDK
| |
额定功率Rated power, KW
| 200
| |
额定电流Rated current, A
| 360
| |
额定电压Rated voltage, V
| 400/6300/10500(可选Optional)
| |
额定频率Rated frequency, Hz
| 50
| |
额定转速Rated speed, r/min
| 1500
| |
额定功率因数Rated power factor, COSφ
| 0.8(滞后Optional)
| |
机油消耗率Lub oil consumption, g/(KW/h)
| ≤0.85
| |
发电效率Efficiency, %
| 38
| |
相数与接法Phase and connection
| 三相三线制或三相四线制 3 phase 3 wire or 3 phase 4 wire
| |
调压方式Voltage regulation method
| 自动调压 Automatic voltage regulation
| |
励磁方式Exciting method
| 无刷励磁Brushless
| |
起动方式Starting method
| DC24V电启动DC24V Electric starting
| |
调速方式Speed regulation method
| 电子调速Electronic speed control
| |
| ≤106(普通型 Normal type)/≤80(集装箱型 Containerized type)
| |
振动Vibration, mm/s
| ≤7.2
| |
冷却方式Cooling method
| 闭式冷却Closed type/开式冷却
| |
外形尺寸Overall dimension(L×B×H), mm
| 5480×2100×2335/8930×2440×2900(普通型Normal type/集装箱型Containerized type)
| |
净质量Net weight, kg
| 14500/20000(普通型Normal type/集装箱型Containerized type)
| |
大修期Overhaul period, h
| 35000
| |
发动机型式Engine type
| 四冲程4 stroke,火花塞点火Spark plug ignition, 水冷Water cooling, 增压中冷Turbocharging & intercooling,电控混合Electronic mixing control
| |
气缸排列Cylinder arrangement
| V型60°夹角V type 60°angle
| |
气缸数Number of cylinders
| 12
| |
气缸直径Cylinder bore, mm
| 190
| |
活塞行程Piston stroke, mm
| 210
| |
总排量Total displacement, L
| 71.45
| |
活塞平均速度Average speed of piston, m/s
| 7
| |
低空载稳定转速Minimum iding stabilized speed, r/min
| 600
| |
出水温度Outlet water temp,℃
| ≤85
| |
油底壳机油温度Lub oil temp,in oil pan, ℃
| ≤90
| |
主油道机油压力Lub oil pressure of main oil gallery, kPa
| 400-800
| |
增压器机油压力Lub oil pressure of turbocharger, kPa
| 200-400
| |
稳定调速率Steady speed regulation ratio, %
| 0-5可调(Adjustable)
| |
润滑方式Lubrication method
| 压力和飞溅复合式润滑(Combined lubrication of pressure and splash)
| |
点火方式Lgnition method
| 火花塞电点火(Spark plug ignition)