温州市诚亨装饰五金是一家专业从事高档五金制品,集科研开发、生产制造、营销为一体的综合性民营企业。本厂拥有国际先进水平的高精度检测仪器和生产线设备,秉承且 "传承精品 "的品牌理念,不断吸取更多专业和成熟管理模式。产品远销全国各地,行销东南亚、欧美等发达国家和地区,深受中外广大消费的喜爱和信赖。
Wenzhou city chengheng decorative hardware is a nonstate-woned enterprise speciallzing in the research,decelopment production and distribution of top-grade hardware products.
Equipped with international advanced high-precision testing instruments and production equipment and based upon the brand philosophy of "uperior Quality",the factory has attached great importance to introducing in profession talents and all around management mode ,our products have been greatly favored and trusted by consumers throughout China ,and in southeast Asia,Europe,America and other develope countries.